Jan 28, 2012

spanish word of the day

funny story.
So around school you hear a lot Spanglish going on with the kids because sometimes they don't know the filler words so they just fill the sentences with both English and Spanish words (kind of like how my Spanish tends to go). So I'm outside at recess eating my snack, sweating.. you know the usual.. And 4 of my girls come running up to me at full speed with panicked looks on their faces saying "Mees Mees!! (miss miss)" So I go ahead and prepare myself for something crazy which I've gotten used to around here. And they all start saying all at once " Enrique is molesting us!' "He's molesting us Mees Lori!" "Tell him to stop!" So obviously I'm like "woah woah woah slow down, he is what?!" And again they repeat themselves and proceed to tell me how he is molesting them in the classroom and how they need me to get him out of the classroom because they are trying to play connect four. At this point I'm just staring blankly at them thinking "uh I don't know what to do right now.. there has to be some kind of lost in translation thing going on right now or else I don't know what to do". So I get up and go into to the classroom where I find Enrique sitting at a desk and some other girls sitting on the floor with the game yelling at him.. so then these girls say "Tell Enrique to leave us alone Mees!" So of course I have to ask "so... Enrique is doing what now?" to try and get to the bottom of this situation... and again one girl says "He is molesting us!" and finally one student who speaks english well notices my horrified look and says "No Mees Lori... he is bothering us" BOTHERING! What?! So I learned the spanish word for 'to bother'... molestar. They just decide to add the english 'ing' to the word making it a horrifying word... a great attempt at using gerunds... but not quite.

Enrique is the one on top... molesting the other 3 boys trying to take a picture.

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