Mar 15, 2012

fact: i got my hurr cut.

So I got my first and last Honduras haircut...
The story goes: My friend and fellow house mate Annie said that she cut her friends hair in the past and felt pretty confident about her haircutting skills. I decided I wanted to get my hair cut a little shorter for easier maintaining purposes (and when i said "maintaining" I mean throwing it up in a messy bun, of course). So I get real brave and let Annie cut my hair. When I say a "little above my shoulders" that translated to "a little below my ears" in Annie's mind. So I now resemble Ramona Quimby Age 8 from back in the day. For those of you who were not Beverly Cleary fans (which is very unfortunate for you) I have generously created this lovely photo for your viewing pleasures.. so enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. bahaha. love that beverly cleary. nice updo
